Our toddler programs service children ages 19 months - 3 years
Gimmel and Dalet
In Dalet and Gimmel, our teachers are excited to be with your children. Starting at 19 months, your child will be exercising the newfound independence that comes with being able to run, walk, and talk. These important skills are encouraged and guided by our skilled and compassionate teachers, as your child makes new friends and begins to learn important practical skills such as potty training, getting dressed to go outside with minimal assistance, and more.
Teaching Goals and Developmental Milestones for ages 19 months- 3 years
From the ages of 19 months until 3 years, your child is becoming more and more independent. While this newfound independence can be overwhelming at first for caregivers, we understand that this developmental period is full of potential for learning and exploration. This is an abbreviated sample of some of the developmental landmarks your child will meet while in the classroom and at home. For more information about developmental milestones, visit the CDC's homepage for developmental milestones.
At 2 years:
Enjoys being with other children, will begin to play with and alongside them, and will mimic them, especially if they are older. May show defiant behavior. Can point out things around them or in pictures when they are named. Can name familiar people, say simple sentences, repeat things that are overheard, and follow two-step instructions like "pick up the ball and put it in the chest." Begins to sort things by shape and color. May begin developing a dominant hand. Can kick and throw a ball overhand. Can stand on tiptoes, and can climb onto and off of furniture without assistance.
Contact us
Joy Greisen Jewish Education Center
7525 East Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99504 |